

Carol Beveridge

Healing Trust Membership No: H13175

Carol’s interest in spiritual healing began in the mid eighties when her daughter became ill with ME and she had to return home. Challenging times so often bring with them a gift and this, for Carol, was the opening of the door to the joy of healing work.

In 1997 Carol completed her training with the NFSH and became a qualified Healer Member while living in S. Manchester. When she moved back to the Scottish Borders in 1999 she contacted Christina Mark and the rest as they say is history.

Carol has written and published two short novels and a small book to boost self esteem called ‘Has Anyone Told You Today’. She has co-written and published along with her daughter the confidence cards called ‘B There 4 Yourself’. Carol has run a number of workshops over the years on self development and self empowerment sharing the tools she has found useful herself on her own journey.

For Carol being part of The Healing Support Group and watching it grow from the very beginning has been a joy and it continues to be a great blessing.



Cathy Thomson

Cathy is steadfast on reception, the first friendly face you see as you enter the centre.



Cathy Moran

Healing Trust Membership No: H25665

Cathy Moran is a registered healing practitioner with the NFSH/Healing Trust and is also trained to third degree Reiki.

Cathy has volunteered her healing skills and services for the last thirteen years with the Healing Support Group, in the Chaplaincy Centre at the Borders General Hospital in Melrose.

Cathy has followed the principles and practices of Tai Chi, Chi Gung and meditation since 1987. Her belief in the importance of the movement of energy within the body to prevent illness and to remain healthy sustains her both physically and spiritually. She also believes that orthodox medicine and healing practice should work in with one another in the future, to support patients in tandem with doctors’ surgeries and hospitals.



Christina Mark

Healing Trust Membership No: H13358

Christina first experienced healing in 1986, whilst recovering from a serious operation. She felt such a sense of connection and well being afterwards that she began to learn more about it, by taking training courses with National Federation of Spiritual Healers and by practising on her family, friends and animals. Christina became a registered healing practitioner in 1998 and tutor in 2003, and then initiated a Healing Support Group at the Borders General Hospital in Melrose in 2004, where it continues to offer treatments to the staff, patients and members of the general public on the first Saturday of every month. Christina is also the author of two books:

  • Energy Healing: The Practical Workbook
  • Life Story Book

and is currently editing a Training Manual for people interested in developing their healing skills.




Elizabeth Brims

Healing Trust Membership No: H13130

From Childhood, I developed an affinity with animals and wanted to be a nurse. This finally led me into working mainly with the frail and elderly. I loved my nursing days and felt a desire to help make a difference in patient care. Taking time to listen and help patients to receive best quality of care with tenderness was always paramount to me.

After moving to London in the late 1980’s, I met healers for the first time through my husband’s work. They became great friends and opened up to me a new world.

After my husband passing away suddenly, I moved back to the Borders with my children and spotted an advert about a local healer. I then went for healing myself which led to joining a development group and from there, joined the NFSH.

I joined a complementary group at the BGH and offered healing to staff. Retired from nursing in 2012 but still part of the Healing Group where I continue to offer support to people regularly at the BGH.


Fiona Cox

Healing Trust Membership No: H253379

Fiona’s first introduction to Spiritual Healing was after suffering a breakdown and being hospitalised in 2002. It was during her recovery that she had a direct experience of Spiritual Healing/Awakening – Colour was also a big part of this process.

In August 2002 Fiona discovered Reiki healing and followed that path for a few years while also working within the Mental Health Services. Wanting Spiritual Healing to be recognised as a crucial part of the recovery process but finding Reiki harder to be accepted within services (mainly due to the unregulated training within the teaching of Reiki at present) led her to find the NFSH where she found a thorough training programme and a supportive mentoring system in place.

After first joining the NFSH in Edinburgh in 2005 Fiona then found the Healing group in Melrose led by Christina Mark and carried on her training there qualifying as a full healer member in 2008.

Colour playing a huge part in this whole experience Fiona first starting training in 2007 qualified in her Colour Therapy Diploma in 2010.

Fiona lives and works in Wooler offering individual treatments, Group workshops (& 1-1) introduction to meditation classes.

Currently Fiona is training in & soon to offer treatments in Aromatherapy & Reflexology. Fiona also runs Colour & Spirituality Retreats at a beautiful retreat house called Shepherds Dene in riding mill near Hexham.



Gwen Croan

Healing Trust Membership No: H23622

I was drawn into energy work after going through cancer treatment in 1995. After having a Reiki session I found that you could work on yourself and pickup blockages within your energy. This at that time seemed a second backup plan to staying well along with conventional treatment that I was going through.

In around 2000, I heard about Christina and the spiritual healing, and was intrigued to what the difference was. I found that it’s very similar to Reiki, it’s the same universal energy just a different way of applying it. After the training and exams it was just the start of a whole new way of thinking and being. It’s sometimes difficult to put into words how something so simple can change a person in a positive way.

The healing group makes all the difference, it’s run in a professional and structured way and with like minded people not only as volunteers helping others but it also helps us in our energy development work. The volunteers are not the only ones that do the healing, it’s the client themselves we are only the jump leads betweent he universal energyy around us to the client. I also think that you don’t need to know how, why and if the healing works as long as you are open to change.

A final interesting and important fact is that heling is very beneficial on animals. As something that can’t be influenced by others opinions I think it speaks for itself on the benefits of healing.


Jill Gow

Healing Trust Membership No: H22623

I have been involved with healing for approx 17 years since I attended evening classes that were advertised as “Healing through Energy Therapy”. These were being taken by Michael Hartzell who was a member of the NFSH, and he suggested that I join and begin healer training.

I was also attending a Spiritualist church at the time and had been receiving healing from the healers at the church.  It was, and still is, such a calming and natural therapy.  The evening classes came at the right time and led me on a path which has been interesting, of continual personal development, at times not always straightforward, has had its twists and turns, but  ultimately has always brought me back to this wonderful, privileged position of being a healing practioner.



Julie Grieve

Healing Trust Membership No: H23612

Gwen Croan first introduced Jools to a ‘Healing Workshop’ with Christina Mark in 2000. After experiencing an initial treatment, something subtle had changed. For the first time a switch had been turned on and she could feel her senses were heightened and could see with more clarity. Around this change within, Jools realised that she was no longer ‘stuck’ looking in, now looking forward, where before she had felt insignificant and alone, Jools could now see and feel part of the bigger picture. In fact, instead of just existing, she is now living her life and whatever falls on her path, the light guides her on her journey, making positive decisions for herself and others.

The feeling of wellbeing gave Jools an overwhelming determination to train as a Healing Practitioner which she completed in 2005, just as the Healing Support Group had started in the Chaplaincy at the BGH. Jools is also the Standards Officer for the group, ensuring that the Code of Conduct is always maintained.



Mary Macfarlane

Healing Trust Membership No: H25987

Like many who go on to become healing practitioners Mary’s experience of life threatening health issues as a child resulted in her deep sense of spiritual connection and a natural capacity for healing As an adult she knew that she was drawn to healing work with others and sought out the excellent training and supervision that was offered through the NFSH which she completed in 2009.

Mary was led to join the Borders Healing Support Group shortly after qualifying and has offered her services as a healing practitioner at the Borders General Hospital on a regular basis. Mary’s experience as a healing practitioner led her to become a therapist practising the Bowen Emmett Techniques, a natural progression, through which she could continue to offer help and support as a professional therapist.

In 2012 Mary joined the Healing Hands Network and, supported by the Borders Healing Support Group, went to Sarajevo in 2013 to treat those affected by the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She describes the experience as life changing.

Mary continues to offer healing on request out with the times available at the Borders General Hospital.



Margaret McGrath

Healing Trust Membership No: H27452

I was first drawn to Spiritual Healing following two family bereavements in 2008 and I found that the comfort I received from healing was immediate and deep.   I felt a connection with healing which was comforting and wholesome.   I attended for three sessions and in 2010 I came back for further healing sessions during another difficult period in my life.

Sitting on a Greek beach in 2012 I had the desire to train as a healer. I did not know if I could be a healer but decided to enquire.  I commenced my training later that year. The training involved many workshops and individual session  I attended as many Saturday sessions at the Borders General Hospital as I could during my probationary period as a trainee healer.

I became a qualified healer on 13th February 2016. I was delighted.

My life has been changed by healing I feel more like the “person I am supposed to be”, these days.

I still continue to give healing at The Borders General Hospital on the first Saturday of every month and I often give healing to both animals and individuals on a voluntary basis.